
The apps featured are divided into three main groups all using P2P, which include file sharing, messaging and group posting. Many of the apps we looked at fit into two or more of these categories, typically messaging and group posting and their feature sets reflect this by combining methods and interactions.

After a more in-depth review, we came upon many approaches to core areas that they all share, such as identity and it's management, connection notification, confirmations and how they approach onboarding and user education.


  • Connection status is not shown when the user logs in, they need to go to Connections screen

  • Identity and accounts not handled with a typical login and password

  • Syncing status of content is not made apparent to the user

  • There is no logout option unless the user closes the app

  • Users can be connected to and sent images without confirmation

  • When a new account is setup, there is no indication to the user that the account has been setup successfully


  • Users are made aware of privacy and connection implications with sharing

  • Users present on the network are each given a unique avatar and anonymous name

  • No progress indication where the user is at in the sharing process

  • Shows link and QR code to send or give to the other user


  • Blockchain app which requires using and managing keys

  • Onboarding process includes an option to login directly

  • Features discoverability in finding other users and being made known to them

  • Chat functionality does not attaching images and files, only stickers

  • Fetching and syncing of messages may require additional interaction

  • Users can post messages to community chats or boards


  • UI personalisation presented during onboarding

  • Different types of file transfers such as downloading and seeing are presented together but visually differentiated

uTorrent Mobile

  • Uses external search engine on web page to find files to open in the app

  • Additional functionality to watch live videos that are not torrents can not be downloaded

  • Global app navigation filters media file types instead of taking user to other screens or functionality

  • Details of torrents be selected or deselected for downloading and seeding


  • User can post, chat and pay from Profile just as they can from the Shop, Social and Chats screens

  • Can initiating chats without invites or acceptances from other users


  • Has optional account which allows user to view history of uploads and downloads

  • User provided a link and no QR code to send to the person being shared to

Last updated

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